Know Your Investment Approach
Growth Plus Value
Key Features of the Portfolio
- Managed by experienced team of CAs
- Sector-agnostic, Bottom-up, Stock-specific portfolio
- Holding period >15-18 quarters
- Blend of Growth and Value Investing
- No leverage
- Fully invested at all times
- 70% exposure to small-cap
- 18-20 stocks
- Max single stock weight 12%
- Max single sector weight 20%
Know Your Investment Approach
Large & Midcap
Key Features of the Portfolio
- Managed by experienced team of CAs
- Investing in only listed Indian Companies
- No exposure to derivatives
- Single Line of Business
- Holding period >12-15 quarters
- Blend of Growth and Value Investing
- Focus on Multi Baggers
- No leverage
- Maximum single security exposure 12 %
- Maximum Single Sector exposure 20 %